Section: New Software and Platforms


Mixtures of Multiple Scaled Student T distributions

Keywords: Health - Statistics - Brain MRI - Medical imaging - Robust clustering

Scientific Description: A new family of multivariate heavy-tailed distributions that allow variable marginal amounts of tailweight is proposed and implemented. The originality comes from introducing multidimensional instead of univariate scale variables for the mixture of scaled Gaussian family of distributions. In contrast to most existing approaches, the derived distributions can account for a variety of shapes and have a simple tractable form with a closed-form probability density function whatever the dimension. We provide maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters and illustrate their modelling flexibility.

Functional Description: The package implements mixtures of so-called multiple scaled Student distributions, which are generalisation of multivariate Student T distribution allowing different tails in each dimension. Typical applications include Robust clustering to analyse data with possible outliers. In this context, the model and package have been used on large data sets of brain MRI to segment and identify brain tumors. Recent additions include a Markov random field implementation to account for spatial dependencies between observations, and a Bayesian implementation that can be used to select the number of mixture components automatically.

Release Functional Description: Recent additions include a Markov random field implementation to account for spatial dependencies between observations, and a Bayesian implementation that can be used to select the number of mixture components automatically.

News Of The Year: Recent additions include a Markov random field implementation to account for spatial dependencies between observations, and a Bayesian implementation that can be used to select the number of mixture components automatically.